Wound is the disruption of the anatomic and functional continuity of the living tissue. Wound healing is the conclusion of regular sequenced cellular and biochemical events that has been taken place by trauma, with the formation of new tissue. Sporadic reports indicate that Diphenylhydantoin(DPH) an anticonvulsant may significantly promote wound healing following topical application of wounds. In this study, we sought to determine the effects of topical application of DPH on wound healing. Delayed healing and dehiscence of operative wounds represents a significant clinical problem. We hope this study will be helpful in solving these problems, 42 rats were equally divided into two as control group and DPH group. Skin incisions of 2,5 cm were performed on the backs and abdomen of the 42 rats. While 0.5 cc normal saline was applied on 21 rats of control group, 0.5 cc Fenitoine Rubra (Laboratories Rubia, S.A.) containing 12.5 mg DPH was applied on the incision lines of 21 DPH group rats. Skin strips which were prepared from the caudal dorsal skin incisions on days 3, 6 and 10 were examined with light microscopy. On the skin strips taken on the tenth day from the cephalad incisions, tensiometric wound separation resistance measures were performed. While statistical analysis of histopathologic results were done with Mann Whitney U test, analysis of tensiometric measurement results were done with Student t test. A significant increase in the collagen mass, neovascularization, granulation tissue and epithelial tissue on the incision lines of DPH group rats was determined with respect to control group (p<0.01). Wound breaking strength was found out to be 17 ± 2 Newton in the DPH group and 12 ( 3 Newton in the normal saline applied group. With regard to these results, we concluded that the topical application of DPH, that is one of the most important among antiepileptic drugs, has some positive effects on wound healing.