This study was carried out to investigate the effects of free oxygen radical scavengers in 7, 12-Dimethyl-benz-(a)anthrasen induced mammary carcinoma. Free oxygen radical production, thus carcinogenesis was tried to be blocked by various agents such as iron chelator and radical scavenger agent Mangan-Desferrioxamine and calcium antagonist and radical scavenger agent Verapamil, and the results were compared. The results revealed that while Mangan-Desferrioxamine group showed significant differences both in tumor incidence (p<0.02) and survival without tumor (p<0.05), Verapamil group showed a significant difference only in tumor incidence (p<0.04) when compared with other groups. Prevention groups (Mangan-Desferrioxamine and Verapamil) showed significant differences when compared with the non-prevention group in flow cytometric studies (p<0.004 for proliferation indexes) and tumor weights (p<0.02 in 20th week). In conclusion; Mangan-Desferrioxamine and Verapamil have offered prevention in experimental complete mammary carcinogenesis. These agents have caused slower and less agressive tumor growth in rats though they couldn't achieve a complete prevention.