Purpose: Follicular adenomas are the most common neoplasms of the thyroid. They are encapsulated and generally solitary lesions. The aim of this study was to assess those patients diagnosed as having follicular adenomas as a result of histopathological examinations during thyroid surgery in our clinic over the last five years and to study the relationship between papillary thyroid carcinoma and follicular adenoma.
Patients and Method: Of the 1081 thyroid operations in the last 5 years, 144 patients who were diagnosed with follicular adenoma as a result of histopathological examination after surgery were assessed.
Results: 104 of the patients (72.2%) were female and 40 (27.7%) were male. When the pathological reports of the patients diagnosed with follicular adenoma were considered, 29 patients (20,1%) also had papillary carcinoma. (p:0.058).
Conclusion: In our study, we commonly detected accompanying follicular adenoma with papillary carcinoma. Because of this, in patients with a diagnosis of follicular neoplasm we consider that surgical treatment should be a total thyroidectomy if there are nodules determined in the same or opposite thyroid lobe.
Papillary carcinoma, follicular adenoma, follicular neoplasm, thyroid
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