Rearterialization of rat liver grafts is being more widely performed, since it has been demonstrated that rearterialized grafts have lower incidence of biliary complications and better survival after long preservation times than non-arterialized grafts. In this study, we evaluated the results of the rearterialization technique of rat liver grafts, in which direct arterial anastomosis is being performed at the level of hepatic pedicle. The celiac trunk of the graft is anastomosed to the recipient common hepatic artery. A running suture with 11/0 polyamid monofil is performed under an operating microscope. Arterial patency of 36 liver grafts was confirmed by microscopic observation (n=27) or selective celiac angiography (n=9 ) from 48 hours to 1 year (n=3) following transplantion. No trombosis was observed except one of which postoperative sixth month angiography showed arterial thrombosis . Operating time was increased by 20-25 minutes compared to the model of orthotopic liver transplantion without arterial reconstruction. On conclusion, this technique is relativeiy rapid, requires limited dissection, provides a good long-term arterial patency and reproduces that of human liver transplantion.