For evaluating the effects of tamoxifen in patients with severe cyclic and non-cyclic mastalgia of more than 6 months' duration, the drug was given 10 mgr/daily for 3 months and compared with the placebo. In the cyclic mastalgia group pain relief was achieved in 13/19 (%68) of those receiving tamoxifen and 6/12 (%50) of those taking placebo. In the non-cyclic mastalgia group, pain relief was achieved in 17/20 (%85) of those receiving tamoxifen and 9/16 (%56) of those taking placebo. The success rate of treatment was not significant in the cyclic and non-cyclic mastalgia between tamoxifen and plasebo (p>0.01). These results suggest that tamoxifen should not be preferred as a first drug of choice in the treatment of mastalgia.