Verrucous carcinoma refers to a clinicopathologic concept implying a locally aggressive, clinically exophytic, low-grade, well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with minimal metastatic potential. Verrucous tumor, as described by Ackerman, is a variant of well differentiated squamous-cell carcinoma. Overall, patients with verrucous carcinoma have a favorable prognosis, although the course of verrucous carcinoma lesions is characterized by slow, continuous local growth. Four subtypes have been defined according to the location. Here, we present two verrucous tumor cases which are found in different locations. Both tumors were originated in areas where surgery is mostly utilized. Several treatment modalities and surgical techniques of these tumours also have been discussed in this article.
verrucous tumor, flap, perianal, sacrococcygeal
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