Dear Authors of the Turkish Journal of Surgery,

I am sure that you have already realized the noticeable changes in this issue of the journal. Starting from this issue, we have a new editorial board, a new publisher and a new look. I am sincerely thankful to the Turkish Surgical Society for expressing us their confidence and support.

It is a great privilege for me to take over the position of Editor of Turkish Journal of Surgery and being a part of the leading surgical society of Turkey.

Needless to say, Turkish Journal of Surgery, which is the official journal of the Turkish Surgical Society and Turkish surgical community, has a strong background and a long tradition in Turkish medical publishing. There have been great efforts to renew and improve the journal throughout the past years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our former editors and the members of the editorial board for the remarkable endeavours they have made. It is indeed a -relay race- and our goal now is to bring this flag as high as possible.

We wish to ensure that the members of the Turkish Surgical Society have a journal they can be proud of. For this purpose, I feel lucky to be working with two active and self-motivated Associate Editors, Arda Demirkan and Murat Ulaş. Altogether, we have immediately undertaken this uphill task with our new publisher Bilimsel Tıp Yayınevi over the last few months. Frankly, we have received outstanding support and very meticulous work from the office of Bilimsel Tıp Yayınevi so far. Turkish Journal of Surgery has now a whole new look, which will extend beyond the new cover or the journal design. We aim to raise the quality of the content by promoting the publication of relevant original articles, review articles on recent topics and rare case reports in the field of general surgery.

Our current priority is to bring the Turkish Journal of Surgery into international prominent indexes such as Index Medicus and Science Citation Index, the Champions League of medical publishing. We do know that the goal set is not easily attained and we have much to do. A journal, as a large family of authors, editors, reviewers, and publishers, requires the contributions of each member of this family. Success lies behind this teamwork. As the editors, we need high quality manuscripts, and in return, we should provide a proper and fair reviewing process. In brief, the journal needs your interest and contributions.

On behalf of my editorial board, I can promise a fair, quick and high-grade review. We look forward to reviewing your high- quality submissions and are excited to receive your clinical studies, in particular. Finally, please feel free to share with us your opinions, criticisms or suggestions, which are priceless contributions for a scientific journal.

Since we took over the editorial work, we have noticed that there is a long waiting queue for the formerly accepted case reports. As a journal aiming for high rank indexes, we must consider a particular balance between clinical studies and case reports while forming the issues. As the editorial team, we have taken the decision to publish some already accepted case reports uniquely online with special references in the printed form of the journal. In this manner, we would also reduce the waiting time for the authors. It would be a win-win for both the journal and the authors.

Finally, the Turkish Journal of Surgery is our journal, and success can only be achieved with your support and passion. You are invited to submit your best work to the Turkish Journal of Surgery.

Kindest regards,
Professor of Surgery
Turkish Journal of Surgery